Get to Know What is Social CRM: Benefits and Examples

You may have heard the term CRM (Customer Relationship Management), but what about social CRM? In contrast to traditional CRM in general, social CRM can be integrated with various social media to improve customer interactions and relationships.

Given that now social media also plays an important role for business, especially related to customer relations. For more details, let’s look at the discussion about what social CRM is, the difference with traditional CRM, benefits, and full examples in the following article!

What is Social CRM?

Get to Know What is Social CRM Benefits and Examples

Social CRM is a CRM service that is integrated with social media in one unified platform. The purpose of using social Customer Relationship Management is to help make it easier for businesses to improve customer interactions and relationships across various channels.

Social Customer Relationship Management allows businesses to communicate and interact with customers through the media the customer chooses, whether by phone, email, chat application, or even social media.

Thus, businesses can provide insight and better customer service through data and information obtained by Customer Relationship Management through social media or other channels used.

Why is Social CRM Important for Business?

Social CRM is very important for businesses because it becomes a forum for customer relations on social media, which is done by integrating Omnichannel Customer Relationship Management on social media.

Meanwhile, social media itself has such a big and very important role in social life, especially in today’s digital era. On the other hand, social media is also an important tool for businesses to reach and get closer to customers.

Thus, social media has an important role for business, not only as a means of communication, but also as a place for transactions. As a result, Customer Relationship Management is also transformed to adapt to the increasing use of social media to become social CRM.

You can use Mekari Qontak as a forum for social media integration, by using the Omnichannel application which is already integrated with Customer Relationship Management. So you can easily serve customers from various channels on one unified platform.

Social CRM vs Traditional CRM

At first glance, the functions and benefits of social CRM and traditional CRM may look the same. But actually, these two types of CRM have differences that have quite an impact on their users.

Traditional CRM focuses on collecting and managing static customer data, such as purchase history, customer contact, and customer demographics information. This information can be obtained from email interactions, telephone calls, or direct interactions with customers.

Meanwhile social Customer Relationship Management provides more in-depth information by adding customer data that comes from social networks, such as Facebook, Telegram, Line and Whatsapp API.

As a result, social CRM users can gain more insight and a more holistic perspective than when they use traditional CRM.

What are the Benefits of Social CRM?

The main benefit of using social CRM is that it helps its users to connect with multiple channels at once on one platform. On the other hand, social Customer Relationship Management also has many other benefits that can benefit your business.

For example, such as generating potential customers, increasing customer loyalty, and much more.

Here are some of the main benefits of social Customer Relationship Management for business:

  • Providing services through online platforms used by customers.
  • Interact and relationship with customers in real time.
  • Handle customer complaints quickly through social media monitoring.
  • Increase exposure to media that is widely used by customers.
  • Promote deeper relationships with customers.

What are examples of implementing Social CRM in business?

In its application, it turns out that social CRM can not only be used for customer service needs. You can also use social Customer Relationship Management for all areas of your business, including sales and marketing.

For more details, here is an example of implementing social Customer Relationship Management in business:

1. For Sales

By using social Customer Relationship Management, businesses can track the progress of each prospect in the sales funnel available on the social Customer Relationship Management dashboard.

Thus, the sales team can provide a different personal experience according to the needs of each customer. As a result, the sales team or sales force can reach more customers and ultimately increase business sales and income.

2. Social Relations with Prospective Customers

Social Customer Relationship Management can be integrated with an omnichannel system that can connect with various business channels, including social media. So that businesses can better improve their customer’s social relations.

In addition, social Customer Relationship Management can also help businesses to gain customer sentiment for the products and services offered by the business.

3. For Customer Service

The use of social media in business today is no longer only used as a marketing tool, but also to handle customer inquiries and complaints.

Simply put, now social media is also used as a means of customer service or customer service that is closer to customers. This of course can provide more meaningful customer relationships and on the other hand can build better product branding.

With social Customer Relationship Management, businesses can easily track and manage detailed customer interactions. In addition, businesses can also respond to customers faster and better, even anticipating future customer needs.

4. A More Personalized Marketing Strategy

You can take advantage of social media to create content that matches customer trends and needs. In this case, social CRM plays a role in assisting your business in providing reliable qualitative customer data to make the right market segmentation.

Apart from that, you can also take advantage of dynamic market segmentation to measure KPIs more accurately.

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